
What is DDoS attack?

In computing, the most powerful weapon is the distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is a digital-attack where the culprit attempts to make a machine or network resource unreachable to its end users by briefly or indefinitely interrupting services of a host connected to the Internet. This aim is to flood the website or computer with maximum traffic to the server/network then it can handle.

Types of DDoS attacks:

  1. Volume-based: As the name signifies, volume-based DDoS attacks rely on the volume of incoming traffic. This attack involves requests sent to the target system. If they can lade your website/system, the attack is successful. It is quite easy for attackers to attain their purpose. This form of attack could involve tens, hundreds or even thousands of system. It can be measured in bits per second.
  2. Application-based: In this type of attack, hackers use weakness in the web server software or application software that direct the webserver to decline or crash. A ubiquitous form of application-based attack requires sending limited requests to a server in an aim to build the entire database connection pool of the server engaged so that it blocks the legitimate requests.
  3. Protocol-based: Unlike volume-based attacks, protocol attacks directly to consume server resources instead of bandwidth. They also target what is known as “intermediate communication equipment,” which in easy words refers to intermediaries between the server and website, such as firewalls and load balancers.

Signs of DDoS attacks:

DDoS attacks have specific symptoms. It ranges from a virus to a slow Internet connection- it is tough to identify without professional diagnosis or network traffic monitoring and analysis. The symptoms of a DDoS include:

  • Slow access to files, either locally or remotely
  • Long-term incapability to connect a particular website
  • Internet disconnection
  • Problems retrieving all websites
  • An excessive amount of spam emails

What is the impact of DDoS attacks?

impact of ddos attack

How to mitigate these attacks?

Before your website crashes and goes offline entirely and you have tried all other possibilities, then it could be a DDoS attack and to defend your site against such attacks, here are some steps:

  • Observe your website activity:

Monitor your network activity precisely so you can perceive when anything is amiss.

  • Enhance your website capacity:

Have an ample capacity to bear the load and improve performance during spikes.

  • Utilize a Web Application Firewall:

Firewalls and routers should be configured to dismiss fraudulent traffic and it is advisable to keep your routers and firewalls updated and restored with the security patches.

  • Inspect artificial intelligence to route Internet traffic:

The systems that can promptly route Internet traffic to the cloud, where it’s scrutinized and malicious web traffic can be intercepted before it reaches a company’s computers.

At DE-CIX Frankfurt provides DE-CIX’s GlobePEER Remote service, you can announce Blackholes at remote DE-CIX Internet Exchanges.  As a result, traffic is dropped closer to the source of the DDoS traffic creation. Dropping DDoS traffic closer to the source of origin takes the load off your backbones and network, so your peering and transit connections are unburdened. This reduces operational complexity and saves money.

Benefits of using remote Blackholing:

  • DDoS traffic is dropped closer to the source
  • Your backbones and network are relieved of DDoS traffic
  • Transit and peering connections closer to your service region are unburdened
  • Attack volumes and collateral damage in your service region are reduced
  • The operational complexity of mitigating DDoS attacks is reduced
  • Money is saved


DDoS Attack is an assault on availability in the pool of services which has repercussion on monetary losses, loss of company stature, and intrusion in the work environment. The complication is that the reliability on technologies like firewall, routers, etc are very fragile to block DDoS as it cannot differentiate between genuine and fake traffic. To compete with DDoS, a one-way attempt cannot prevent or overcome it, it needs all-round help to approach it.

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