How to become an ISP in India?

An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides customers with Internet access. Data is transferred using several technologies, dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless or high-speed interconnectors. Starting an ISP business is not as easy as it sounds. But with a proper plan and resources, it is not impossible either.

The biggest challenge to becoming an ISP in India is the huge amount of initial capital required for the licensing, equipment and infrastructure. Internet Network bandwidth, equipment cooling and power sources are all resources that have to be planned and executed properly.

Following are the steps to start an ISP:

  • First step is to acquire an ISP (Internet Service Provider) License to run the business of Broadband in India. Any MSO can apply to obtain the ISP License UL (Unified Licensing) System. UL License is given by DoT and it is valid for 20 Years.
  • One must decide the coverage of the area of the services offered. One can choose from three categories that is-
  1. Category A ISP: Covers the entire country.
  2. Category B ISP: Covers one of the 20 major states in India.
  3. Category C ISP: Covers one secondary switching area i.e. a small town, a village, a colony or a district.
  • The third utmost important step is to have a NOC (Network Operations Centre) with raised floors that can route cables easily.
  • The company will have to purchase, install and configure enterprise-grade routers, switches and computers. In addition, the company has to also purchase power backup solutions, in case of power cuts.
  • The next step is to have bandwidth with minimum two or more upstream internet service from telecom providers like Reliance Com to resell it to the clients.
  • A company can peer at an Internet Exchange and offload traffic and perhaps saves huge amount of Internet Bandwidth.

Eligibility Criteria for Internet Service Providers.

A company registered in India under the Companies Act, 1956 will be eligible to submit the proposal for providing Internet Service. Foreign equity shall be as per the Government policy and guidelines issued from time to time. At present, the foreign equity is permitted to the extent of 49 percent. There is no requirement for the applicant-company to have any prior experience in information technology or telecommunication services.

LICENSE FEE: The license fee shall be waived for a period of five years up-to 31.3.2003.The license fee to be paid relating to the period starting from 1.4.2003 by the Licensee company will be intimated on or before 1.4.2001 and shall be payable to the Telecom Authority irrespective of the time of entry of an ISP.

PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF THE LICENSE AND ITS EXTENSION: The license shall be valid for an initial period of ten years unless otherwise terminated. If requested by the Licensee, the extension may be granted by the Telecom Authority on suitable terms and conditions for a period of five years or more at a time.

TARIFF: ISP’s will be free to fix their own tariff. The tariff will be left open to be decided by market forces. However, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) may review and fix a tariff at any time during the validity of the license which shall be binding on the Licensee.

NUMBER OF LICENSES FOR ISP’s: Applicants will be required to submit the separate application for each Service Area. An applicant company may be granted any number of licenses. There will also be no limit on the number of licenses that can be granted in a particular Service Area. The leased-line subscribers of the Service will be from within the Service Area but the dial-up-access subscribers could be located anywhere in the country.

OBSCENE MATERIAL AND CYBER LAWS: Flow of obscene, objectionable, unauthorized or any other content infringing copyrights, intellectual property right and against international and domestic Cyber laws (as and when established) in any form over the ISP’s network is not permitted.

COST OF APPLICATION FORM AND PROCESSING FEE: A nominal cost of Rs.1000/- for the Application Form and Rs.5000/- towards processing fee for each application which is non-refundable have been prescribed.

Steps to get ISP License in India:

About DE-CIX India:

DE-CIX India is an interconnection hub for the major Indian and international networks and is powered by DE-CIX which operates the world’s largest Internet Exchange. DE-CIX India runs carrier and datacenter- neutral Internet Exchange Points in the Indian cities Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata.

  • MumbaiWeb Werks DC2- Rabale

                          Netmgaic DC5- Chandivali

ST Telemedia DC- Prabhadevi

GPX Mumbai- Andheri

You can also apply for ASN directly by going to APNIC and IRINN websites.

Apply Now :



10 Reasons to peer: 6. Peering increases the stability of your network

While buying IP transit is always just a best-effort method, without any guarantee that data is delivered or that the delivery meets any quality of service, peering increases the stability of your network. Read on to learn how this happens in this sixth instalment of our “reasons to peer” series.

Peering gives you direct access to many of your required traffic partners without having other networks in between. Internet Exchanges are the central Points of Presence (PoPs) for most networks, meaning that networks treat those PoPs well and put special effort in regards to redundancy, router hardware, etc. As mentioned in the previous article, for the major content, streaming, social, and gaming networks, peering is the key to having good network performance. Their presence at the major Internet Exchanges is at the heart of their network.

Secure routes to important networks

By being directly connected to an Internet Exchange, you secure the traffic routes to these most important networks. Aside from this, you also have a better-working network, as you have less latency, fewer jitter problems, less packet loss, and more throughput – which has a strong impact on the stability of your network. And in case of failure in peering, you are backed up by your IP transit.

You can read the previous articles in the Reasons To Peer series below :

Content Delivery Networks – What You Need to Know

Content delivery networks (CDN) are considered to be part of the backbone of our Internet—the ones who are in charge of delivering content across networks. Implicitly or explicitly, every one of us interacts with a CDN daily. This interaction can be in the form of reading an article online, shopping online, watching a YouTube video, or even scrolling through social media feeds.

Here we take a deeper dive into the world of CDNs:

What is a CDN?

A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centres. The goal of a CDN is to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance. Popular content is cached at numerous edge servers globally, to make it possible to deliver it to users at low latency. User requests for content are intercepted by edge servers which are selected based on specific parameters such as geolocation, language preferences, client capabilities (e.g. JavaScript support), and/or quality-of-service considerations (e.g. having a fast network connection). A CDN minimizes users’ wait time, reduces bandwidth costs, and improves web page responsiveness by serving content close to their geographical location.

How do I connect to a CDN?

Although you can simply buy the services of a CDN from any provider, it’s best to connect with a content delivery network that directly partners with your business. If you’re looking for a CDN provider in India, several companies—like Cloudflare, Fastly, and Tencent Cloud and more—offer these services.

Types of CDNs

There are two major types of CDNs: those that provide direct CDN services and those that provide aggregated CDN services. Direct CDNs operate their own global network infrastructure, including servers and other bandwidth-delivery tools in data centres around the world. This can be a highly efficient way for companies to make sure their content is available everywhere, but it also requires investing significant resources in hardware and maintaining an extensive network. Aggregated CDNs act as brokers between customers—often ISPs, enterprises, or other providers with sites on multiple different networks—and direct operators. This means aggregators build one extensive network with many different clients instead of each client building out its own infrastructure.

Benefits of connecting to a CDN directly

When it comes to CDNs, one of your primary goals should be network performance. Some CDN providers don’t have a direct connection with many Internet service providers (ISPs), which means they can’t deliver content as quickly as possible. If you’re trying to stream live video or upload large files, using a third-party CDN is like buying tickets for a 5 AM flight—it might get you where you need to go, but that doesn’t mean it will get you there on time. When possible, connect directly with a CDN provider—they don’t charge extra for access, and their performance will likely be better.


CDNs have become an integral part of many businesses. They help ensure that content is delivered quickly and reliably, which in turn improves your user experience and customer loyalty. To find a CDN in India, simply contact service providers in India that will be able to connect you with one of the best CDN network providers out there. It’s always a good idea to check around as each provider offers different pricing options for both small and large companies. Overall, when looking for a company that provides a CDN service, it’s essential to do your research before deciding what provider you would like to work with.

DE-CIX India currently interconnects 45+ CDNs in India and you can check the list here.

A Complete Guide to an Internet Exchange Point

What does an Internet Exchange Point do? How does it work? What benefits does it provide, and why are more and more ISPs turning to them? Find out here:

  • What Is An Internet Exchange Point?

An Internet exchange point (IXP) is a network point at which Internet service providers and Content Delivery Networks exchange Internet traffic between their networks. At an IXP, all participants’ networks interconnect via common switching equipment instead of via each other’s internal infrastructure. Each participant in an IXP generally has two connections to every other participant’s networks: one for incoming traffic from peers at a lower speed which will be delivered internally, and another for sending higher-speed traffic to peers external to that organization. Thus, an IXP allows Internet service providers to exchange high volumes of traffic among themselves without incurring these costs on their own infrastructure or purchasing transit services from any other entity. Inbound data can come at higher speeds without being throttled by low-speed customer connections, and outbound data can be delivered more quickly with fewer hops across different networks.

  • History Of IXPs

The growth of Internet traffic over time is staggering: At its inception, on October 29th, 1969—the moment you’ve likely heard about as being the birth of the Internet—less than 5 kilobytes of data was transmitted over ARPANET. Forty years later (as of November 2010), ARPANET alone transferred an astounding 10 petabytes of data per day! As such, ISP-to-ISP connections using IXPs are not something we need today because there isn’t enough capacity built into the Internet infrastructure to support them yet. This will change soon, though. As Web 2.0 and social media continue to grow in popularity and importance, ISPs will start building more connections between each other so that every device, no matter where it is physically located in global networks, can access all services.

  • Benefits Of An Internet Exchange Point

IXPs allow organizations with direct connections to exchange Internet traffic without paying for transit. Traffic can be transported between exchanges using any protocol and topology with no restrictions. They provide a more efficient route of network traffic by eliminating intermediate providers. An IXP also eliminates congestion and packet loss in networks caused by downstream providers at peering points. Another major benefit of IXP is network resilience.

  • How Does It Work?

An Internet exchange point (IXP) is a large and geographically distributed network of IP routers through which many Internet service providers (ISPs) exchange Internet traffic. This architecture allows local ISPs to connect and exchange traffic with each other rather than send all traffic out through their international links. Traffic from one IXP can be quickly switched to another if there is a link failure or if there are problems with any of the equipment in a particular IXP.

  • Where Are They Located?

The simplest way of defining it is as a physical location where Internet service providers (ISPs) interconnect, forming a point through which data can pass directly between them. So, essentially, Internet exchange points are places where ISPs come together—usually in a neutral, third-party building or at least not in their own facilities—to trade traffic freely and without being charged.

To conclude

Internet Exchange Points are a great way to exchange internet traffic between various networks that do not have direct connections. It can significantly lower latency and increase overall network performance. This write-up aims to give you a basic understanding of what an Internet Exchange Point is, how it works, and its benefits.

Who Provides Internet Service to Internet Service Providers – ISPs

Who Provides Internet Service to Internet Service Providers – ISPs

You need to understand what an Internet Service Provider is before understanding who offers an internet service to ISPs or internet service providers.

Definition of Internet service provider:

An ISP (Internet service provider) is an organization that offers services for using and accessing the Internet. The structure of internet service providers can take many different forms, including commercial, community-owned, non-profit, or other types of privately owned businesses.

An ISP community is the only industry which helps us in utilizing the benefits of internet and the great opportunities it holds for us. It only requires a modem and router for getting started.

The services provided by the ISP can include,

  1. Internet transit
  2. Internet access
  3. Domain name registration
  4. Collocation
  5. Usenet service

Now the question is who provides the internet to the ISPs?

ISPs provides data connection to their subscribers by virtue of which they can connect smartphones and other gadgets by using Wi-Fi routers available for providing internet. Also, they establish a high bandwidth connection(s) to either an internet exchange, or other ISPs, or as a combination of both. ISPs can also connect directly to (content) service providers or even host their servers directly inside one of their facilities (common with Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc.)

Let’s discuss some common terms used.


Peering is a method that allows two networks to connect and exchange traffic directly without having to pay a third party to carry traffic across the Internet.

In order to acquire the most traffic, two different types of tier networks are typically used, along with peering and bridging. The majority of large businesses choose to set up their own peering connections.

This approach is used by reputable internet service providers. They offered the subscribers access to their own network at the time of ISP peering. The entire processing is free, and neither ISP is paid by the other.

Peering at Internet Exchange Point (IXP

There are two types of Peering, one is public peering and another is private peering.

Peering at Internet Exchange Point (IXP) –

What is Internet Exchange Point (IXP)

Internet Exchange Point is a position where many ISPs interconnect their network together. Probably several peering sessions can be established across a single IXP peering.


Small data providers prefer for IP-transit to operate.

This is typically utilized in situations where the ISP is unable to connect to the outside world.

As a result, IP-transit reaches people that ISPs cannot. In general, it involves transporting internet traffic that exists between continents.

Thus, it can be connected to different types of ISP that is a paid service. The payment of the ISP depends on the amount of traffic attracted by the IP-Transit.

Network Tiers available in the market

       1. Tier 1

It is the huge network intended for offering the internet to ISPs. Therefore, it is a kind of transit free network that is required for peering with every other tier 1.

      2. Tier 2

This kind is required for peering with different type of networks, but still goes for payment settlement in order to reach some segment of the internet.

      3. Tier 3

Tier 3 is a type of network, which purchases the transit from different types of networks in order to reach the internet.

These tiers are available depending on the cost and quality. All the three kinds of tiers are known as the high performance networks.

The major goal of employing these levels is to direct customers toward the preferred providers. The easiest strategy to reduce costs while maintaining the top tier is in this way. These layers are important because they protect customer choice.

Consequently, the networks are perfect for allowing the users to provide the widest types of internet service provider.

Data Center and Interconnection

Connectivity is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the terms Data Center and Interconnection. Allowing connections between data centers is the most basic definition of this term.

DCI technology allows two or more data center facilities to share resources and storage space. As a result, if one data center’s infrastructure fails, another can take over and continue to provide the services required by each company. Interconnection entails much more than simply connecting Point A to Point B.

Organizations can use their own resources to increase their IT functionality and versatility by utilizing a data center and interconnection. Small, medium, and large businesses no longer need to spend large sums of money building their own data centers because data center providers offer those services at a fraction of the cost of building one. Furthermore, these service providers serve multiple purposes. If that data center does not provide the service you require, it will be provided by other interconnected data centers via data center interconnection.

Businesses are only permitted to use one service option in a traditional or non-carrier-neutral environment. This fixed structure can have a negative impact on the customer because they are subject to a number of similarly defined factors such as limited bandwidth, high pricing, and a lack of competition.

Interconnection adds value to your company by giving it more options, but this value does not always translate into a higher pricing structure. Multiple carrier options for risk management will benefit company operations in the long run and will remain affordable as carriers for business are incentivized to offer cost-efficient, high-quality bandwidth.

The ability to increase a data center’s capacity and processing power is only one interconnection away, allowing these data centers to focus more on product and technology innovation. Otherwise, they would constantly be investing their profits in the construction of new infrastructure. Furthermore, having access to this type of technology simplifies IT departments around the world, lowering maintenance and personnel costs while ensuring a higher, more secure method of data transmission from provider to end-user.

DCI Benefits

DCI has a number of benefits. DCI links enable stronger traffic encryption, increasing the security of information sharing, and they allow businesses to implement Quality of Service (QoS) and other policies to ensure performance. Organizations have more flexibility in deciding how to allocate workloads because DCI supports multiple connection types.

DCI are also more secure than traditional data storage methods. The issues and risks associated with data loss are becoming increasingly serious. Today’s storage systems, servers, and network devices use so few components that they weaken and fail under power conditions that previous-generation equipment could easily withstand. A DCI provides dependable storage that is free of the flaws that plague portable technology.

Furthermore, DCI technology allows organizations to share resources by dynamically accessing both physical and virtual resources across multiple sites and load balancing network infrastructures as needed.


Know Eveything About Internet Exchange In Delhi

Delhi, India’s capital, is also a hub for many ISPs. With the rise in demand for internet services, the number of ISPs has risen dramatically in recent years.

As the number of ISPs grows, so does competition. So, what can an ISP do to outperform its rivals? The answer is simple: provide high-quality services.

The question now is, how can an Internet Exchange such as DE-CIX India assist ISPs? What are the services offered by DE-CIX India?

DE-CIX India is India’s Largest Interconnection Platform, with over 530 network connections. DE-CIX Mumbai is the Largest Interconnection Platform in Asia-Pacific, amongst 153 exchanges in 29 countries.

DE-CIX India operates Internet Exchange Points in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai, India. DE-CIX India is built on fully redundant MPLS switching networks on carrier-grade Juniper hardware and is located in top Internet Data Centers such as ST Telemedia, Netmagic Solutions, GPX Global Systems, Bharti Airtel, and others. DE-CIX India has Points of Presence in 16 Data Centers across the country.

DE-CIX, the operator of the World’s Largest Internet Exchange in Frankfurt (Germany), provides 11 terabits of data throughput per second. DE-CIX manages 30 Internet exchanges in Europe, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, and North America.

DE-CIX India provides the following services:

  1. Peering
  2. DirectCLOUD

DE-CIX Delhi provides networks with secure Internet Peering Solutions. Networks can improve their offerings by gaining access to our content-rich interconnection platform.

DE-CIX Peering offers you:

  1. Increased Latency
  2. Fast and Stable Speed
  3. Access to local peer-to-peer traffic
  4. Reduced Transportation Costs
  5. Increased Redundancy/Network Resiliency

Networks interconnected at DE-CIX India can easily bypass 85 percent of Internet Traffic due to direct connections with Content Delivery Networks (CDN’s), Internet Service Providers (ISP’s), Video streaming services (OTT & IPTV’s), DNS Root Servers, and Social Media networks, among others.

DE-CIX, the country’s only Legally Complaint Internet Exchange, has built a reputation for providing its customers with best-in-class services. DE-CIX Delhi is Delhi’s Peering Hub.

DE-CIX India has four Internet Exchange Points which provides continuous Peering services to our customers in Delhi:

  1. ST Telemedia Bangla Sahib.
  2. ST Telemedia VSNL Colony.
  3. Sify Greenfort, Noida.
  4. Web Werks, Noida.

With DE-CIX DirectCLOUD, you can give your customers a safe and guaranteed connection to cloud providers.

DirectCLOUD provides you with

  1. A single connection that gives you access to multiple cloud providers.
  2. A secure connection that bypasses the Internet; protected against DDoS attacks
  3. Guaranteed SLAs
  4. Measurable quality
  5. Stable packet routes

DE-CIX India supports the Digital India Initiative and believes that this revolution should reach the heart of the Capital. Our Delhi IX is committed to improve the people’s quality of life in Delhi through the use of a digital wave. We strive to provide you with our uninterrupted network service at our Internet Exchange Point in Delhi, with the goal of “Making Interconnection Easy, Anywhere.”

Importance of DirectCLOUD for SMEs

Ever thought about DirectCLOUD and how flexible it can be? DE-CIX’s DirectCLOUD Services have a large base of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and AWS that serve 90% of the cloud market and allow SMEs to pick and choose different providers on a Single Interconnection Platform.

Keep in mind that using hybrid cloud can be challenging, which is why a Single Access Port is the solution. DE-CIX DirectCLOUD allows you to avoid multiple negotiations and contracts with partners and vendors. This enables you to Save Time and Money with best-in-class service to SMEs.

The Significance of DirectCLOUD became known during the Pandemic. The pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way SMEs conduct business, and no company understands this better than we do. Through a Single Access Port Services, DE-CIX’s DirectCLOUD connects SMEs all over the world to multi-cloud providers. As a trusted partner, we help everything from security and flexibility to cost-effectiveness as well as scalability.

When it comes to Digital Platform, Security is a major concern for SMEs because they are vulnerable to hackers as long as they use the internet, but data will be safe and secure once they switch to a Legally Compliant and Secure Cloud Interconnected Platform. DDoS attacks, prefix hijacking, BGP hijacking, and route leaks are less likely when SMEs get a DirectCLOUD service from all CSPs through a single port.

In the current state of affairs, a number of factors influence cost, one of which is bandwidth. Using our services, we can reduce bandwidth utilisation by up to 90% in Mumbai and up to 80% in other cities such as Chennai. SME’s can save a significant amount of money by utilising DirectCLOUD services. There will be no need for additional hardware, and you will not be limited to a single service provider or vendor. A single access port allows you to connect to multiple Cloud Services at a lower cost, with faster connectivity, and compatibility with current hardware and software.

Now comes the important matter of the benefits of using DirectCLOUD. In the world of cloud computing, there are numerous moving parts. There are dozens of cloud providers that offer a wide range of services to businesses like yours. The sheer number and variety of options can make it difficult to know what will work best for your business and how to navigate them. DirectCLOUD Services can assist you in getting started quickly by providing a customised mix of services tailored to your specific needs. When you jump from multiple Internet hops, you will notice an impact on resource productivity and performance due to latency and security, but when you switch to DirectCLOUD services, you will get a Fast, Simple, Stable, and Secure environment.

With its expanded perks and takeaways, DirectCLOUD is truly a forward-thinking service. The world of multi-cloud is fast evolving and becoming crowded. From Red Hat to Oracle, Microsoft to Google, there are a number of platforms, products, and services competing for our attention. So, how do you choose the right cloud for your business? Why should you go with them instead of their competitors? DirectCLOUD is all you need if you’re looking for these solutions.

Continue reading to learn how DirectCLOUD can help you build your online presence and grow your business today. Whether you’re a start-up or an established company, we at DE-CIX India are excited to support you and grow your business.

4 Challenges for Connected Cars in Practice

There is currently a lot of talk about connected cars and autonomous driving. But for them to actually succeed in reality, there are some prerequisites: In the future, automakers must see themselves as digital companies and the necessary infrastructures must be expanded. Of course, data protection and security must also always be maintained. Ivo Ivanov, CEO of DE-CIX International, the world’s leading Internet Exchange operator, has formulated four of the most important challenges:


1. From driving performance to digital performance

Performance, acceleration from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour, fuel type, and fuel consumption: traditionally, driving performance and such engine parameters as these played a decisive role in the selection of a car. This could change in the future, as digitalization makes ever greater advances in vehicle design and operation. Studies by Deloitte and Mckinsey suggest that in the future, the digital aspects of a vehicle will play a much greater role in purchasing decisions. Software will become an important differentiator in the market. The trend is moving towards “everything from a single source” for the handling of car-related data: classic carmakers are becoming software developers, and on the other hand even digital pioneers like Apple are trying their hand at car making.

2. The question of data sovereignty

The trend toward an integrated offering (vehicle and software from the same manufacturer) must also be seen against the backdrop of data usage and data protection. The data that connected cars generate masse is a valuable asset that no one wants to lose control over. But even more important is not to jeopardize the trust of customers. Anyone who opts for a connected vehicle wants the manufacturer to handle their data with great care. Should problems arise here, the reputation of established brands would be seriously jeopardized. Whether through in-house development or in collaboration with trusted third parties, car manufacturers must be able to guarantee that data protection and control of the data is always, without question, maintained.

3. Latency – the critical factor

Latencies, i.e. delays in data transmission, are experienced in everyday life, for example, in the form of jitter and buffering when streaming videos or online games. These effects are annoying, but not critical. It’s a different story with connected vehicles: if, for example, the communication and navigation of emergency vehicles were to be impaired, serious and potentially life-threatening situations could quickly arise. If cars are to be able to drive autonomously at some point, latency will become an even more crucial safety factor. It can’t be that critical data from your car is transferred to a data center hundreds of miles away, and then back again. This is because data, like most other things, cannot travel faster than light, and thus geographic proximity becomes an essential parameter to meet the high demands of autonomous mobility. In the future, this will require small, decentralized data centers along important transport routes to ensure fast and reliable data transfer.

4. Measures for ensuring cyber security

The possibility of hackers gaining external control of a connected car is one of the worst imaginable horror scenarios of autonomous mobility. What can manufacturers do to prevent such attacks, but also less dramatic ones? peering (exchanging data) at an Internet Exchange is an ideal measure for shielding sensitive data traffic of connected or autonomous cars from unauthorized access and manipulation.

The bottom line:

Connected and autonomous cars will fundamentally transform the world of mobility. Consumer preferences will change, and established brands will need to adapt in order to remain successful. At the same time, digital infrastructure needs to be re-conceptualized and expanded to meet the increasing requirements in terms of data transmission and processing. Internet Exchanges such as DE-CIX, where all threads come together and where secure communication takes place between all stakeholders, play a central role as digital data hubs.

10 Reasons to peer: 3. Peering lowers latency

In this third article in our “reasons to peer” series, we look at how peering lowers latency.

The shorter the trip, the better the latency

Latency is the delay between a user’s action and the response to that action from a website or an application – in networking terms the total time it takes for a data packet to make a round-trip. It is measured in milliseconds, and Internet quality depends on it. For example, for a website, even a 2-second delay in the loading time is sufficient to increase the bounce rate more than 100%!

Peering paths outperform transit paths for 91% of Autonomous Systems (ASs), meaning that peering offers the shortest path for data to travel, and therefore better latency.

Control your traffic streams

Peering gives you the control over where your network exchanges traffic with other important networks. You control where to handover the traffic (which city/which Internet Exchange) and you have control over your backhaul and the peering port usage. As the other network also has this control, together with your peering partner, you have a controlled end-to-end handling of your valuable traffic streams.

Catch-up with the first two articles in the series:

1. Peering Raises Your Revenue

2. Peering lowers your costs
