Covid-19 Identification & Prevention with Foods that Boost Immunity

About Coronavirus-Identification & Prevention


  • Cover your mouth and nose.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with alcohol-based cleaner.
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Clean surfaces you often touch.
  • Take adequate sleep and rest.
  • Drink plenty of water/liquids and eat nutritious food.


  • Avoiding being in crowded spaces
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid sharing personal hygiene items.
  • Avoid hugging, shaking hands while greeting.
  • Don’t spit in public places.
  • Don’t travel if you have a fever, contact a health professional immediately.

Foods that boost Immunity:

  • Ginger has strong immunity-boosting properties.
  • Spinach is a nutrient-rich leafy vegetable.
  • Yogurt is great for your gut health.
  • Almonds are loaded with nutrients.
  • Fruits are known for excellent source of anti-oxidants
  • Green tea is a healthy beverage.
  • Soup with a combination of cabbage, broccoli.

To Download Covid19 Identification and Prevention Document Click Here

Note : The above article was created for internal sharing but due to feedback from friends and family we are publishing it here. We urge you to follow the WHO website for accurate and UpToDate information.


For How Long Will The Internet Hold Firm?

The digital divide must be eliminated so that all communities can in future unlock access to information, digital communication tools, and digital content in general.

Crisis and disaster can barge in anytime, bringing catastrophe and disruptions to our lives. India is high on the disaster ranking list. According to India’s National Policy on Disaster Management, almost 59 per cent of India’s landmass is prone to earthquakes; over 12 per cent of the land to floods; about 76 per cent of the coastline to cyclones and tsunamis; with droughts, landslides and avalanches close behind.

Statistically, according to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, between 2009 and 2019, the country experienced 321 incidences of natural disasters, leaving 108 crore people affected. 2020, the year of the coronavirus, changed the way people carried out business, ran errands, socially connected, and at the most basic level, lived everyday life – after which, 2021 began with the Uttarakhand calamity.

Emergency reaction and relief team activities require assimilation of information that is synced and can be distributed to the public accurately and immediately. But the destruction to a country’s vital infrastructure – such as roads, power lines, radio towers, transportation etc. – brought about by natural calamities retards crucial communication, in turn obstructing rescue efforts. One crucial saving grace in these hostile conditions is the global digital infrastructure consisting of terrestrial and mobile networks, data centers, Internet Exchanges, undersea cables and satellites that deliver the global Internet to all of us.

Crises don’t just change our lives, they also offer a chance to re-evaluate, see things differently and make meaningful investment decisions for the future – turning these challenges into new opportunities to make life better. Digital services have become indispensable to overcoming the challenges and making a crisis manageable. Smart digital applications and solutions, physical elements of AI and IoT, the transmission of data through networks, access to cloud computing and actually access to information of any type have the potential to mitigate the impact of a crisis and are just as vital as other critical services in a crisis, sometimes even essential for survival. These require robust and high-performance digital infrastructure, everywhere.

Never before in modern times have we seen an outbreak with such a global impact as the Covid-19 pandemic. Cities, countries, and entire regions of our world were put on hold, locked in isolation. But even during global lockdowns, the Internet kept private and business life running. This enabled people to stay in contact with loved ones they couldn’t meet with; many were also able to work from home. It allowed children and students to continue with their education. It helped doctors to provide consultations and therapy via telemedicine.

Even medical researchers, who we all pinned our hopes on, used digital applications to remain in touch and share data in their efforts to understand the virus, and find a vaccine. It kept the business world alive: e.g. global supply chains for different industries remained manageable and became even more efficient, and crucial financial services were delivered globally thanks to digital solutions. Therefore, one answer to some of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic – and the modern world in general – is sophisticated digital infrastructure.

In a globalised world, economic growth and the development of societies in most regions is now based on digital communication and digital services, which depend on the underlying digital infrastructure. The use of smart digital applications and solutions will make people’s lives better.

The quality of crisis management in regions with solid, reliable digital infrastructure provides a stark contrast to those regions of the globe that remain underserved. People and companies from the latter regions have disadvantages that can last for decades. Thus, the digital divide must be eliminated so that all communities can in future unlock access to information, digital communication tools, and digital content in general.

Different stakeholders, including governments, investment policy makers, and the Internet industry itself must take as a high-priority mandate the goal of creating a minimum level of robust digital infrastructure everywhere. This century is presenting us with global challenges, but these can be transformed into opportunities by people and businesses. Digitalisation – relying on robust digital infrastructure – everywhere will allow us to minimise the impact on people and business as much as possible in any crises ahead of us. It will not only enhance the way we manage upcoming crises, but will also enable us to live better lives in the future. This is why, in times of lockdown and the immobility that comes with crises, the world needs a full digital unlocking!

– Ivo Ivanov, CEO, DE-CIX Global

Automotive sector and colossal data: Challenges and way forward – Ivo Ivanov, the CEO of DE-CIX International

What are the challenges the automotive sector may face in dealing with colossal amounts of data? What are the ways the automotive sector can address this challenge?

Industries worldwide are entering a new era of digitalization, everywhere, for everything, making performance, resilience, and security in network connections business-critical. Enterprises from segments like healthcare, finance, retail, logistics, and automotive are discovering the benefits of connecting with their digital value chain via an Internet Exchange (IX).

The digital car is a digital product for which the manufacturers cannot afford to cut corners on the performance, resilience, or security of their networks. The efficacy and the privacy of their connections to other networks are paramount to the provisioning of the many services and features that define the digital car. Any lapses will affect the reputation of the car brand.

Data and software as the key differentiator of the car of the future

The data produced and analyzed by a car is part of a market that will be valued in trillions of dollars. This data will be highly valuable for a variety of industry segments, starting with the marketing industry (to understand trends and customer preferences), down the road to municipalities (wanting to know which street needs repairing and up-to-the-second traffic flows); there’s the insurance industry (wanting a better understanding of driver behaviour); and then the finance industry (to know about consumption behaviour), just for starters.

On the other hand, analysts from Deloitte to McKinsey assure us that the future car customer is likely to place more emphasis on digital performance than engine performance in the purchasing decision – today, the differences when it comes to engine performance are no longer so significant. So, digital will be a key differentiator, and the competition will occur more on the software side.

Data Journey of a Digital Car

From maintenance data to navigation and infotainment: The data journey of the digital car involves many different kinds of data that need to be sent to or received from a range of service providers and suppliers.

We already see car makers transforming into software developers – like Daimler’s ambition to create their own operating system – and software developers, like Apple, building cars. From both sides, the trend is towards greater ownership of the entire ecosystem. We’ll see players that create a dominating position by owning both – as Apple successfully achieved through offering applications through the iTunes store and at the same time selling the devices on which those applications are used. The market leaders in the automotive sector certainly have the economic power and capabilities to become software market leaders in their own sector.

However, even the best software will not help the data performance and the level of security in a digital car without the proper infrastructure behind it. Infrastructure remains the foundation for digital performance because if the latency (response time) is too high, if the connection is not secure, and if the data volumes cannot be processed or stored, even the best software won’t perform well. It will be crucial for the end-user experience and the performance of the digital car that car makers use interconnection infrastructure directly and have their own setups in data centres around the globe. Because every single millisecond counts.

Infrastructure is the foundation for the digital car

There is no car manufacturer on the planet today who doesn’t realize the potential of digitalization and connectivity in relation to their products. Some major automotive manufacturers have begun to connect to interconnection platforms for their cloud connectivity needs, and for better control of their connections. It will be necessary for all carmakers to get involved in infrastructure, own their connectivity, define their interconnection approaches for evolving business models and services, interconnect application suppliers and the last mile providers, and control this data journey in the commercial sense. It’s about performance.

It’s about security, it’s about flexibility, and it’s about compliance. Without controlling the infrastructure, these four crucial components for becoming an integral stakeholder in this trillion-dollar business will not be manageable. The car manufacturers today want to moderate this data journey.

Interconnecting with partners via an IX enables aggregation in an improved latency to the location of the car, and therefore with improved stability. By choosing an IX that already has an established and vibrant ecosystem of diverse networks, a car manufacturer can be right on the spot, where the digital economy of the future is being moulded.

Automotive networks can thus meet in the most direct and shortest way with all the data suppliers and buyers that are important to them – and those that in future are likely to become important. With a direct interconnect, coupled with a Closed User Group (CUG) specifically designed for enterprise interconnection, the connection on the network side can be ideally optimized, reducing latency to the other provider networks and data centres involved.

Creating interconnection ecosystems for industries – the digital car as a model

We see three overriding challenges that carmakers are confronted with when exchanging vast amounts of data with many different partners:

  • The provision of services and features smoothly and with fast reaction times (dependent on the performance and reliability of the connectivity to other networks)
  • The fulfilment of compliance requirements for multiple regions around the globe where the car may be sold or driven (high levels of legal and regulatory complexity, increasing exponentially with the number of networks and service providers involved).
  • The security of the network, in order to ensure that the car is protected from any form of unauthorized manipulation.

Previously, the automotive manufacturers’ approach was a best-effort solution involving Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and IP transit (upstream), with no end-to-end control of the traffic, flows between the car and the networks delivering data to or receiving data from the car. This creates challenges for the networks: The more intermediaries between two networks, the higher the latency, the greater the risk of performance and security issues, and the more complex compliance becomes. Because if you do not control the data value chain, you cannot control any of this.

The automotive manufacturer as custodian of personal privacy

However, using a CUG not only improves the latency and performance of your connections but also helps with the fulfilment of data protection and compliance requirements – giving you control of your data value chain. Connected vehicles collect a huge amount of personal data. Controlling compliance through connecting individually to each partner network and forging individual bilateral relationships – as was done in the past in the automotive industry – is not future-oriented for the digital car. Such a solution does not scale well to larger ecosystems involving more players.

The network on wheels - reducing complexity in the digital car

The complexity of controlling the compliance of many partners can be overcome by creating a secure and private closed user group, with the OEM’s compliance policies a prerequisite for participation by partner networks.

There’s another solution: A CUG is a closed, secure, and private interconnection environment on the DE-CIX platform, in which policies for compliance requirements are enabled. This allows the fulfilment of policies to function as a prerequisite for all the participants of the group, which can be efficiently controlled.

Mitigating the risk of anonymous malicious third parties

The issue of security is even more critical. A highly charged threat scenario for the digital car is the potential theft of the driver’s identity or the car itself – that it could be hijacked, manipulated technically, or in the worst case even weaponized. The direct interconnection of the networks in a CUG allows security to be substantially improved. Minimizing the intermediary transporters means fewer possibilities for anonymous third parties to lurk in the shadows. This is not possible with traditional IP transit – where the only option is to place traffic into the hands of a transit provider, who, in turn, announces the packet requests back to the global Internet.

In a CUG, the manufacturer knows exactly which network has sent data – the connection having been checked using BGP and Layer 2 validation instruments. The risk of hijack or a DDoS attack originating from this network is much lower. On top of that, DE-CIX can provide additional security to protect networks from route hijacks, IP hijacking, and DDoS attacks, shielding the digital car and its ecosystem against the most significant risks of the open Internet.

Connecting partners – the digital car of the future is a network on wheels

Protecting digital products and customers

Multiple layers of security: The secure ecosystem of the closed user group can be further protected by additional security services provided by the Internet Exchange operator.

Many of the challenges car manufacturers face in implementing connectivity for the digital car – the network on wheels – can be solved in this way. With the logic of secure interconnection within a Closed User Group located in a vibrant digital ecosystem – via DE-CIX, home to the largest neutral ecosystems in the world.

This same logic applies just as well to other transport sectors, like airlines and logistics suppliers. But also to all industries entering the platform economy – banks, e-health system operators, hospitality, e-manufacturing with global supply chains, and many more in future. Closed, secure, and private interconnection environments offer everyone the chance to grow and develop their digital business models with security and resilience baked in.


5 Advantages of DE-CIX Enabled Data Centers

5 Advantages of DE-CIX Enabled Data Centers

Reduction in Cost

Companies need ever-increasing amounts of bandwidth – video conferencing, a multitude of SaaS applications, video streaming, and the likes, all demand fast, efficient connections. Moreover, this comes at a cost.

When you peer with DE-CIX India, you interconnect with a large number of Internet service providers (ISPs), content delivery networks (CDNs), over the top (OTT) players, DNS root servers, national & international telco networks, and social media networks in all major

metropolitan areas, which helps Indian networks to keep their Internet traffic local.$

Most often, companies connect via IP transit: you pay a network for Internet access. With peering, however, two or more networks exchange traffic cost-neutrally with each other. By connecting to an Internet Exchange, networks can peer with hundreds of networks.

In many cases, all around the world, the cost of traffic via peering at an Internet Exchange is also far more economical than using transit. Many organisations are therefore turning to peering services to reduce costs.

Improved Latency 

There are many applications and technology areas in which latency plays an important or even decisive role.
Latency is the delay between a user’s action and the response to that action from a website or an application – in networking terms the total time it takes for a data packet to make a round-trip. It is measured in milliseconds, and Internet quality depends on it.

Peering gives you control over where your network exchanges traffic with other important networks.

You control where to hand over the traffic (which city/which Internet Exchange) and you have control over your backhaul and the peering port usage. As the other network also has this control, together with your peering partner, you have controlled end-to-end handling of your valuable traffic streams.

Secured Interconnected Network



Working Internet infrastructure is a key element in today’s social and economic world. Due to its importance for the Internet, DE-CIX is classified as an operator of essential services. To fulfil the requirements of an essential service, DE-CIX defines three main security goals, which apply to all data which is handled by its systems:

  • Confidentiality,
  • Integrity, and
  • Availability.

With Security being an important aspect of the modern Digital Infrastructure, DE-CIX secures your network with our best-in-class Services.

Resilient Networks


With DE-CIXs Best-in-Class Service, you can benefit from the DE-CIX Apollon technology and deliver highly Secure, Stable and Resilient connectivity to your customers. In addition to the interconnection platform we will build in your data center, you can interconnect with our platform and be part of the growing DE-CIX interconnection ecosystem. Your customers can exchange data with hundreds of networks and connect to multiple cloud service providers with this connection.

DE-CIX India is known for its Resilient Network. During the pandemic, DE-CIX India made significant investments in network resilience. One of the most important services that the company was able to provide to its customers was network availability. It intelligently handled the massive demand that emerged as a result of the shift from working in offices to working from home.

During the cyclones, Tauktae (2021) and Nisarga (2020) hit Mumbai and affected the major players in the interconnection industry, but DE-CIX services continued to function normally. We were able to acquire customers in large numbers, and we were able to achieve 1419G upgrades in one year there by showing constant faith in DE-CIX services.

Greater Accessibility of Interconnected Data Centers


Interconnection Platform like DE-CIX enables the interconnected Data Centers ecosystem, which helps to provide better accessibility and makes it easier for local providers to access the data easily.

With 16 DE-CIX Enabled Data Centers all over the country, ISP can easily access these data centers. They are located in 4 major metros of our Country: Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata.

So If a person from Kochi wants to connect at a DE-CIX Enabled Data Centers, the greater accessibility feature helps to connect easily without any hassle.

The greater accessibility, robust, resilient and secure network along with DE-CIXs best-in-class Services makes us the number one choice for Interconnection in the Country.

How to get maximum benefits of Peering

Peering is a process by which two Internet networks connect and exchange traffic to distribute traffic to each other’s customers without having to pay a third party to carry that traffic across the Internet for them. The routing protocol that allows peering between ISPs is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is free and benefits all ISPs.

Below are top five ways to get the maximum benefits of Peering.

Optimize your routing data base entry Please make sure that you:

→ have your routing data in just one routing database like IRINN, TRAI, etc. (unless you are a global player)

→ have all used prefixes covered by one correct database entry, matching the ASN which they come from (more-specifics need dedicated entries too)

→ have all active own and customer ASNs and AS-SETs listed in your main AS-SET – and remove unused ones

Use the route servers (2 session’s IPv4, 2 sessions IPv6

The route servers help you to get the majority of possible sessions. It will help you to avoid extra work to configure all the new arriving members.

Verify your prefix amounts and details

Please verify via the route server looking glass whether the route server accepts all of your sent prefixes. If you see a difference, most probably you have not specified the right AS-SET during turn-up or you have missing or wrong routing database entries.

Keep your PeeringDB entry up to date

Please update your PeeringDB record or create a record if you have none yet. is the tool for all peering administrators.

You can refer to the article here for benefits and importance of having updated peeringDB account in Hindi.

Go for direct sessions to members who are not on the route server and with large or important networks

Not everybody peers with the route server. And not everybody who peers with the route server sends or imports prefixes. Check on the looking glass who is not present at the route server (session down, zero prefixes) and ask them for a direct session.

Route Server Peering helps new peers to exchanges traffic with other peers from day one over the shared fabric.

Many of the very large operators or CDNs send more prefixes via a direct session and/or give you more priority and traffic engineering focus on direct sessions. Examples are: Akamai, Google, Microsoft etc. Some large CDNs like e.g. Limelight are, in general, not present at route servers. So have an eye on such important players too.

The same is true for your individually important partner networks. Secure your traffic path to all those who are important for you with direct sessions.

The top five points described above are based on DE-CIX’s whitepaper on 10 useful tips on how to maximize the benefits of peering. The white paper can be downloaded here

How can Cloud help the Banking and Finance companies in the digital world

This is the year 2020, and if you aren’t still leveraging the Cloud due to outdated security reasons, then you are living in the past!

Financial services are one of the most dynamic and innovative industries, and the Cloud is central to digital innovation. Combining both these factors will give you the best possible outcome from Clouds that help the Banking and Finance companies around the world.

Today’s tech-savvy customers are moving along the technological tidal wave, and the banking and finance sectors have to catch up with it. A slow-moving financial institution failing to adapt to meet the expectations may find themselves on the losing end of the scale. Therefore, being a company in the banking and finance sector, here’s how a Cloud can benefit you:

1. Cut costs:

The building, development and operations of the bank have always been expensive. Establishment of new data centres and server along with the staffs and their training turns out to be quite expensive. These high-costs have deterred new potential market entrants from providing the much-needed competition to these high-street banks. However, cloud computing does not require high investments on dedicated hardware or software, nor the workforce to maintain it. Instead, these financial institutions can buy into the infrastructure of a secure, specialised cloud service provider and focus more on driving money into their business.


2. Improved Flexibility and scalability:

Cloud computing provides brank with the ability to rapidly scale their processing ability according to the volatile market development and customer demands. The rapid pace of today’s world, along with customer-centric digital banks, enables them to act swiftly during critical times and remain competitive amongst the field. Scalability has been one of the top reasons for banks to adopt cloud computing.


3. Increase in efficiency:

Cloud computing can help banks and finance companies to streamline their operation to enjoy improved efficiency rations and operating leverage. Efficiency is essential, particularly for businesses that work across multiple markets with several demographics. Clouds enable you to interpret and analyse rich market data. Financial organisations that use Clouds gain a practical advantage over their competitors by seamlessly negotiating innovations and developments from that particular market.


4. Serve customers faster:

Cloud computing makes development and launch of new products and services effectively faster and easier. The financial service industry has been traditionally slow to adapt to new technologies, but that changes with cloud computing. Even at the prototype stage, non-cloud-based applications can necessitate more than 1.5 years of development before they are ready. Cloud computing accelerates the development of new features and can even deploy them in less than three months.


5. Stronger customer relationships:

Combination of big data and the unlimited potential of cloud computing enables financial institutions to dig deeper and get better insights into their customers. This data allows for the banks and finance companies to create highly-customised services and products according to their customer’s expectations. This helps in building stronger relations with the customers.



More and more banks are gradually choosing the cloud computing path as it is more efficient and helps increase productivity by a significant margin. Failing to keep pace with the cloud adoption rate may cause financial institutions to disappear into obscurity!

DE-CIX India is the first Internet exchange to bring DirectCloud Services in India. Connect with Multiple Cloud Service Providers with Single Access!

Why the Internet holds firm: Internet infrastructure in times of COVID-19

The role of the network of subnetworks, once established for research purposes and now known as the internet, has evolved within a few decades into an omnipresent communication and commercial ecosystem. At the end of 2018, more than 50 per cent of the world’s population, 3.9 billion people from all countries of the world, were using the internet – and the trend is growing. According to a Cisco forecast, by 2023 there will be 29.3 billion devices worldwide connected to the internet (or 3.6 devices for every person on the planet), which will send and receive a total of 1,209 terabits per second (Tbps) of internet traffic at peak times – the equivalent of about 48 million parallel Netflix 4K streams. According to these estimates, the data traffic of the future will therefore assume enormous proportions.

COVID-19 is changing the use of the internet – is the internet reaching its limits?

The major role the internet now plays in our society is something we are becoming increasingly aware of – especially these days, in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Overnight, people were sent to work from home. We started using the internet to stay in touch with friends and colleagues via video telephony. Small clubs that had previously only had a website began to use streaming to broadcast training sessions, and apart from that, the internet is simply a source of entertainment in the form of online computer games or video streaming.

As a result of these changes, a significant increase in data traffic has been recorded at various observation points on the internet in recent weeks. internet traffic transmitted at peak times grew by more than 10 per cent- 20 per cent. In particular, the data traffic for services that are needed for working from home, such as Skype or Zoom, has increased in some cases by up to 100 per cent. Online and cloud gaming traffic has increased by 50 per cent.

In view of these significant changes in our internet usage behavior, the following questions arise: How much short-term growth can the internet actually sustain, and what are the limiting factors? The open internet architecture was, over 50 years ago, initially conceived with important design decisions, such as the technological independence of the individual subnetworks, best-effort packet switching, and no global control. In detail, of course, the internet and all the technologies involved have undergone enormous development – but many of the basic protocols and concepts (such as IP, BGP and TCP) have mostly only been extended in important details. The totality of these decisions is the basis for the phenomenal growth of the internet over the last few decades. Therefore, it can easily handle short-term increases in data traffic, as we are currently seeing.


Subnetworks ensure stability

In a simplified representation, the structure of the internet consists of three different types of subnetworks, each of which represents administrative domains and can thus be directly assigned to individual companies:

End-user networks i.e. those subnetworks that provide broadband connections such as DSL, UMTS/LTE or cable providers, transport networks which in simple terms represent all networks between the end-customer network and the network providing the service, and service provider networks, from where services are transmitted, often known as content delivery networks, or CDNs. In order to be able to consume a video stream, a request from the user is sent to a server of the provider. The data packet is first transported in the end-user network (at the user’s end) to a transfer point, where it is either transferred to a transport network or directly to the network providing the service. These transfer points include internet Exchanges. If a transport network is connected in between, this ensures delivery through its global backbone.

In a crisis such as the current one, bottlenecks can arise in all these networks due to a sharp increase in data traffic. The limiting factor in the end-user network may, for example, be the connection capacity of the DSL connection, and thus end-user network operators must maintain sufficient capacity within their network to transport the necessary data traffic from households or offices through the end-user networks to the transfer points, and from there to other networks.

In order to prevent limited data traffic at the end user, not all content in today’s modern internet is transported directly from the respective CDN servers to the end customer. Frequently, popular content is already made available on servers that are located directly in the end-user network. For example, a popular new film offered on streaming platforms only has to be transferred once to what is known as a cache server in the end-user network – this applies to up to 50 per cent of cases today. For the final delivery to the customers, the network capacity must still be kept available at the end customer’s end, but this offers considerable potential savings at the network gateways.

Network gateways as bottlenecks

Potential bottlenecks can also occur at the network gateways. This refers to the critical links and transfer points between the individual subnetworks which unite the entire ecosystem of networks within the internet. These network gateways that can experience bottlenecks if they are not sufficiently upgraded, thus limiting the availability of services in the face of explosive growth in data traffic.

The exchange platforms of Internet Exchanges, for example, offer sufficient capacity on a continuous basis and are generally only used at around 50 per cent capacity. Consequently, the connections of the participating subnetworks, which exchange their data traffic at the Internet Exchange, are the limiting factor here. If more data traffic is to flow from all subnetworks connected to the Internet Exchange to another subnetwork than the latter has access capacity at the Internet Exchange, part of the data traffic is inevitably discarded. Typical connection capacities allow transmission rates of 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 100 Gbps or even 400 Gbps, which can be increased or combined as desired.

In addition to considering the service provider network itself and the connection capacity at network transitions such as an Internet Exchange, service providers must of course also maintain sufficient server infrastructure to cope with the current increase in usage. It also makes sense to bring the corresponding servers closer to the end customers.


The internet will hold, but for how long?

Overall, from a technological point of view, the internet can withstand the onslaught of recent weeks extremely well, both in the end-user networks and especially at the transfer points. Not least because over the past few years there has already been considerable global growth in worldwide data traffic, and the internet industry has now only had to absorb anticipated short-term growth.

One can therefore speak of accelerated digitalisation, also with regard to developments in working from home or virtual events.Across the board, people were forced to work from home, which established that working virtually works well and can be integrated more often than before the crisis, if necessary, even beyond the COVID-19 measures. Virtual events are also currently experiencing a great upswing. Although the digital alternatives cannot completely replace personal contact, there are many successful online formats that offer participants a high-quality event and can save them, at the very least, a long journey.

In the medium to long term, there may be challenges for the entire internet infrastructure, ones that any other industries will also face. Due to the restriction of freedom of movement, maintenance or upgrading of the devices in data centers cannot always take place as planned. This is not a problem in the short term, since on the one hand, sufficient reserves are available at all times, and on the other hand, automation in data centers is to some extent quite advanced.

However, if the current situation continues for further months, the point at which action is urgently needed may be reached. With regard to the supply chains of the hardware used, for example, there could be delays in delivery. Routers, switches or optical equipment is mainly manufactured in the Asia. As these devices are subject to constant physical stress when in use, they will have to be replaced sooner or later, although the typical cycles for this can be measured in years – and a crisis lasting for years, including delayed deliveries, is rather unlikely.

The bottom line: The virus as a driver of digitalisation

One thing is clear from the current situation: The internet’s holding firm! Even during such phases of maximum load as a global shutdown. However, during the global pandemic, some weaknesses in the digital infrastructure have also emerged, some of which can be felt directly by the user, or will be felt in the long term. Whether it is a question of the challenges in the subnetworks of the internet, at the network gateways, or in the last mile; ultimately it is the responsibility of the respective operators to maintain sufficient capacities and to expand them in a forward-looking manner as necessary.

Now, in the unexpected current crisis, this has to happen faster than planned and across the board. This in turn greatly accelerates digitalisation, with the Corona Virus pandemic as an extremely unusual driver. Disruptive technologies, such as 5G, will accelerate the challenges and demands on “the network”. Only if all participants in internet infrastructure work well in their own way, drive innovation, and show themselves to be unfailingly reliable, will the network of subnetworks, once established – decades ago – for research purposes, be able to meet people’s needs in the future.


What is Peering DB? Why should networks use it?

all about Peering DB

Any Networks looking for Peering, Public or Private Peering may have come across Peering DB. In this blog, we will tell you about what is Peering DB? Why should you have a properly Updated Peering DB Entry and How to get one? How it would be useful for my network or Organization?

What is Peering DB?

As per Peering DB is “PeeringDB is a freely available, user-maintained, database of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data. Peering DB database facilitates the global interconnection of networks at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), data centres, and other interconnection facilities, and is the first step in making interconnection decisions”


How Peering DB Started?

Peering DB is widely accepted Default Public Database for making Peering & Interconnection decisions. Created in 2004 by Richard Steenbergen. Previously Internet Exchange Points (IXP’s) or Private Peering facilities (Colocation facilities) use to maintain a list for their Peering Partners. Today Peering DB is not only a Public Database but also a tool to collect information on the latest happenings in Peering World.

When I should create a Peering DB Entry.

When networks are Planning to initiate Peering at any Internet Exchange Point or at Private Facility they are mostly asked to show their presence concerned IX or Datacenter. So it becomes easy for any other Peers to understand Where you are available and

Peering DB entry acts as a First stop when deciding where and whom to peer with. The account can be read-only or read-write in nature. While creating an account, it is recommended to use your official email address or the email address which is used in the registry for allocating resource. The users are generally encouraged to put these details Public.

Peering DB A/C Creation Process.

1. Navigate to and register a user account.


2. Confirm your email address by clicking on the link received on your email.

3. List affiliated network with your ASN and Organization Name. If already exists, create an affiliation with other networks which you need.

4. Wait for Peering DB to approve affiliation with the mentioned organization.

5. Go on the affiliated organization page and edit information. If your network is already added, then update Private and Public Peering Exchange Facilities.


6. Save the updated information and get listed on Peering DB.

7. It is suggested to keep the Information like contact details, Prefix Counts & Peering Facilities properly Updated.

DE-CIX India is proud to announce that we are Platinum Sponsor for Peering DB. We are always happy to help its community, If you facing any issues while updating the Peering DB entries, please drop us a mail at

To know more about DE-CIX India Internet Exchanges Services Visit here. To know more on Available Datacenters and IX Locations Visit here


How to Get IP Pools & Autonomous System Number(ASN)?

How to get IP Pools & Autonomous System Number (ASN)

In today’s telecom & internet Industry, entrants entering ISP business needs own IP pools / AS number to run the network and provide services to end users. With our continuous efforts to help Internet Community, we have tried to help such entrants to understand how to get own IP Pools avoiding paying huge consultancy services and do it yourself.

This blog will give you a complete idea on how to get your own IP pools / ASN and the necessary things required:

Questions to be addressed here:

1. Eligibility Criteria & Documents Required?
2. What is IP Pools / Address Pool?
3. What is IPv4 & IPv6?
4. What is an ASN?
5. Why do I need an Address Pools & ASN
6. How/Where to get IP Pools & ASN.
7. How do I justify my requirement to RIR.
8. How much it cost to take resources.

1. Eligibility Criteria & Documents Required?

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • GST Copy/ Pan Card of Company. (Both Provided Better)
  • Bank Statement/Electricity Bill
  • Board Resolution Copy, Which confirms that Applicant’s Decisionmaking authority.
  • Authorized Signatory’s  Pan Card(for Signature verification)
  • Authorized Signatory’s Aadhar Card (for address verification)See the checklist here

2. What is an IP Pools/Address pool?

As per Wikipedia, IP Pools / Address pool is a set of Internet Protocol addresses available at any level in the IP address allocation hierarchy. At the top level, the IP address pool is managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

In Simple terms, every device, computer network or similar equipment require a Unique ID for communicating over the internet.

3. What is IPv4 & IPv6?

IPv4 – Internet Protocol version 4 is the fourth revision of Internet Protocol used to identify devices on a network through an addressing system. IPv4 Uses 32-Bit address scheme containing 2^32 addresses (Over 4 Billion Addresses). With the growth of the Internet, IPv4 addresses will exhaust faster as every device which communicates over the Internet needs an IP address. eg.

IPv6- Internet Protocol version 6 has been implemented to fulfil the need for more IP addresses and is the latest version. IPv6 uses 128-Bit address scheme containing 2^128 addresses (Over 340 undecillion unique addresses). IPv6 also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation). Many networks are reluctant to go for IPv6. For more adoption of IPv6, IRINN do not charges for IPv6 pools as of now.

4. What is an ASN?

An autonomous system number (ASN) is a unique number that’s available globally to identify an autonomous system and which enables that system to exchange exterior routing information with other neighbouring autonomous systems.

According to Definition given by APNIC “An AS is a group of IP networks operated by one or more network operator(s) that has a single and clearly defined external routing policy”.

5. Why do I need an Address Pool & ASN?

To run an Independent setup, networks should have own IP Pools & Autonomous System Number. It helps to differentiate your network from other networks. For BGP Establishment with multiple networks, ASN will be helpful. One can have access to better transit rates & peering services having it’s own IP Pools/ AS number.

6. How/Where to get IP Pools & ASN?

Getting IP Pools & ASN is easy if done correctly. You can apply for this resource in your regional Internet registries (RIRs). Networks available in APAC region, networks can take these resources from IRINN/APNIC. You can apply for these resources online. For APNIC Click here & For IRINN Click here.

Below are the rough guidelines to start applying for ASN/IP Pools:

IRINN Generally take 5-10 Working days to verify these documents. Once verified, IRINN will get back you for Resource Justification request. It manually verifies all documents & contact details provided by you as IPv4 is a very scarce resource.

Resource Justification Generally takes 6-8 days but may lengthen or shorten based on justification provided. After resource justification, your request will be forwarded to the Billing team for payment procedures. Once payment is done, you will be allotted resource within 2-4 Days.

7. How do I justify my requirement to RIR?

IRINN Resource Justification is a Complete Manual Process, to make your case strong you need to make sure that you are providing the adequate documents. IRINN generally differ all resource requests in two scenario’s

A) ISP/Broadband Telecom Customer – If this case inapplicable in your case you are required to submit the ISP License Copy.

B) Non ISP/Enterprise Customer – This list includes Every Non ISP Customer including datacenter & Hosting Companies.

8. How much it cost to take resources?

Fees – IRINN levies fees on IPv4 & IPv6 Differently. For new requests, the Affiliate must pay the Membership fee of Rs. 25000 + GST regardless of how much IPv4 & IPv6 he is taking.

After 1st Year, Costing would be in this way.

For IPv4

For Autonomous System NumberAny request till /34 will cost 21999 only.*  Taxes will be applicable, All Pricing is subject IRINN Change.

AS Number is Free if the affiliate is taking any other resources and his ASN request is for valid reasons.

Taxes will be Applicable additionally. Currently, IRINN does not allot more than /23 for ISP Customers and /24 for others.

At DE-CIX India we can help you to get ASN & IP Pools, get in touch with us for further process.

Note: Changes & Updates in Polices are sole discretion of IRINN. If you found you anything wrong or misleading with blog, do let us know, we would be super happy to get it corrected.

DE-CIX India’s New Website Launch

DE-CIX India Website_Mobile

de-cix india internet exchange

MUMBAI, India. (15th April 2019) DE-CIX Interwire Internet Services Pvt Ltd, one of the Leading Internet Exchange Operator in India launched its new Website DE-CIX India. this will be the Umbrella website for All Exchanges All across India. Currently, DE-CIX India runs Mumbai-IX in Mumbai, DE-CIX Delhi, DE-CIX Chennai & DE-CIX Kolkata in Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata respectively.

This Website is completely revamped to match DE-CIX Global Design with Enhanced user experience and Features. This website will be a one-stop solution for any query regarding DE-CIX India Exchanges or Mumbai-IX.

“We are super excited to launch our DE-CIX India Website which will match the DE-CIX Global experience with an Indian touch, we have debuted this website as keeping the customer first. So our customers, our partners & visitors can access the information more smoothly and the non-hassled way” Said Vivin Varghese Meleadan, VP – Marketing & Strategy at DE-CIX India.

This website will carry up-to-date information about our services, locations, Industry news, accomplishments and events. We will also we writing here about not only Peering and Interconnection Services but also about How to help Local ISP’s with Indian ISP Industry Updates Broadband News, IPv4, IPv6, ASN, BGP, Networks and other technical queries.

We highly encourage the visitors to have a look and suggest if they have Feedback or maybe compliments, We would love to hear that.  Also join our Mailing list to get more about news, Updates and where we are headed to…!

About DE-CIX India
DE-CIX India is one of the Largest Internet Exchange in India currently interconnects 160+ Networks All across India & the World. DE-CIX India runs Internet Exchange Point in Indian Metro cities in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata & in Chennai. DE-CIX India is a carrier & datacenter neutral, Internet Exchange for the Indian & South Asian markets DE-CIX India is backed by DE-CIX Global which is the world’s largest Internet Exchange with 6.7 terabits of per second. DE-CIX also runs 16+ Internet exchanges across the world

DE-CIX India is owned & operated by DE-CIX Interwire Internet Services Pvt Ltd, which have the license to run Internet exchanges all across India.

Check more about Mumbai-IX here
